Hi All,
Apologies for the “New Post” tease on my mailing list yesterday. I had, months ago, scheduled a post about an epic eating adventure, which I forgot to delay. I didn’t think it was appropriate given the current climate. So instead, I’ll take my lunch break to quickly share some of the more joyful articles I bookmarked this week. I’m hoping that it will bring a smile to your face during these difficult times.
Some More Things to Keep Your Mind Occupied
A friendly PSA for all you pet owners, I will never be upset when your pet (or co-worker) makes an appearance on our zoom call. Seriously. Half the reason I do video calls is so that I can funny pet and/or baby story out of it.
Last week, I shared a list of virtual museums and exhibits, this week I present how a quarantined couple created a miniature art gallery… for their gerbils.
It’s official, the best new instagram account is @tussenkunstenquarantaine, which means “between art and quarantine” in Dutch. Individuals have been recreating famous paintings with materials found at home. The results do not disappoint.

The New York Times released the most beautiful “36 hours in Where ever you are” Quarantine edition. I love the origami suggestions to post card writing. It’s a simple, beautiful, and poignant.
I’m sadly relating to this Vogue article on not being able to read during the pandemic. I keep starting and stopping all the new books coming through my e-reader. Instead of trying to go through new books, I’m trying to go through some of my past favorite reads. I thought I’d share some of my past favs – the brain testers, the who dunnits, and of course, my favorite guilty pleasure books.
One thing I can’t seem to get enough of is interior design posts. Apartment Therapy Before & Afters are my jam. AD’s instagram is stunning. One of my favorite finds is this Delhi Row House, built to maximize space, sunlight and accommodating multi-generational families. As we continue to co-habitat (successfully!) with my parents, I LOVED this beautiful design.
Another, and perhaps, more important PSA is, here is running list of hoaxes on the Coronavirus. Why people are jerks is another question for another time. I also highly recommend Snopes.com to double check all those social media posts.
This 10 minute morning routine has basically been my only form of exercise since Monday (minus an epic round of VR Beat saver and some intense vacuuming.
Okay that’s all for now, folks. I’ve loved some of the “joyful” shares on facebook and Instagram. I hope to include them in next weeks post.
Love, A

Aheli is the founder of Aheli Wanders, a blog she started in 2007. In addition to blogging (& dreaming about food), she is the Director of Product Management for tech startup. Aheli has traveled to over 37 different countries, and what feels like a million different restaurants. She lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband. She hopes to add “and dog” to her bio one day.
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