A couple days ago, we drove home from our local grocery store without the GPS. And I know, I know. People do this all the time. But, it still struck me that we have officially lived in Rhode Island for two whole months and we don’t have to rely on the GPS anymore.
I’m not sure we’ll ever feel like “Rhode Islanders.” I mean seriously, I lived in New York for 9 years and never considered myself an actually New Yorker. But there are definitely small moments when your new address starts to feel like home.
G and I have truly been blown away by how friendly ever and the small, supportive food community. At the beginning of the month, on the day, we attempted to go to the local chain grocery store to grab some foods. We had forgotten that there was a snow storm the next day, and upon seeing the 100 person line, decided to forgo the potential grocery and COVID special.
Since we couldn’t face the thought of Kraft Mac & Cheese for 3 meals in a row, we decided to take a chance on the local co-op, Urban Greens. What an incredible decision it was. We walked in to a public co-op (you don’t have to be a member in order to shop there) to find all the local meats, fresh veggies and best of all, fresh SEAFOOD. While browsing the fish aisle, we happened to strike up a conversation with the manager John. While sharing his favorite restaurants, place to grab sunset drinks and his favorite look-out point, John told us about ways the co-op and local restaurants and food suppliers were working together throughout Covid. “Because of this, we get fresh off the oyster boat oysters,” he mentioned while also sharing his favorite way to cook them.
I, of course, loved the concept of fresh oysters, but growing up with two seafood-allergic parents meant that cooking oyster-holders were not in my wheelhouse.
“Not a problem at all,” John said, “if you have a couple of minutes, I can show you how to shuck oysters.”
45 minutes later, we walked out of our private oyster shucking lesson and with the names and suggestions for about 100 different Providence based activities and places to try.
Now John is not an anomaly. Despite decently strict COVID protocols, we acquired a long list of food obsessed people. We have bonded with our favorite bagel place (whose owners are originally from Carroll Garden in Brooklyn) who suggested, via a long instagram chain, our new favorite pizza shop.
On our last trip to the co-op, John introduced us to the GM for fresh pasta shop. Our favorite Syrian restaurant now includes three extra pita breads with every order.
It feels without being able to stand within 6 feet of a single other human, we are starting to build a community here. I still desperately miss our pre-pandemic social life, and with each book club session I feel an absolute dread that one day soon they’ll all be meeting in person without me.
It’s very weird. I’m very grateful that people are starting to get vaccinated (including my own parents), and absolutely believe that people in high-risk settings and age groups need be the first in line. It’s always weird coming to terms that for the next five months, life will start to move forward (while still being masked) for different sets of our friends and family.
This month has been. a paradox of excitement of human connection (albeit without any physical human contact) and an accurate awareness of isolation.
Of course, this month has also be an amazing month of celebration. I am of course speaking about G’s birthday. In taking advantage of our time at home and new penchant for eating, we’ve spent the last five days being extremely unhealthy and trying all our favorite meals (while forcibly squeeze in vegetables in the form of sauces, smoothies and “sprinkles” in any form). Of the food highlights, we are obsessed with air fried chicken wings with homemade blue cheese dressing. Of the people highlights, we managed to surprise G with a Zoom call with some of his closest friends AND an adventure in indoor sky diving.
That’s it for me today.
Stay warm,

Fully Rooted Ginger Reishi Kombucha
Our new stove! We installed it ourselves (well mostly G) but it’s so pretty and lovely and makes me so happy!

Our favorite local spot is Aleppo Sweets, run by an incredible Syrian refugee family. They make the BEST baklava I’ve tasted in ages.
Wow- what an incredible read. For any one who considers themselves feminists & anti-racist, this is a must-read. It will push you beyond the standard “feel good for not being a sexist/ racist” and really challenges you to examine internationalized biases.
Life Lately // February 2021
Currently Eating: Self-shucked oysters from Walrus & Carpenter (and bought at Urban Greens Co-Op) with a bit of Champagne
Currently Drinking: Fully Rooted Ginger Reishi Kombucha
Currently Craving: Aleppo Sweet‘s Baklava!
Currently Reading: Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Currently Recommending: Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall
Currently Watching: Ginny & Georgia on Netflix
Currently Renovating: Our New Oven & Dishwasher
Currently Beautifying with: Ground Oatmeal Masks
Currently Podcastin’ to: Still the Daily.
Currently Streaming: Masterclass with Roxanne Gay!!!!
Currently Sweating to: Lol. Walking up and down my stairs?
Check out the posts from the month:
- Though it’s still a work in progress, here is our living room reveal!
- It was a light but impactful January reads
- One of the more fun things of last year is when G and I bought our first house
- Need to disrupt your usual dinner, try this scrumptious dal recipe
About Life Lately
Welcome to my monthly “Life Lately” reflections, where I chronicle things did/ate/drink and liked. I’ve never been much for diaries (short attention span!), but I do really love looking back on these monthly lists. I hope you do too!
Links to the other Life Lately posts January 2021 // December 2020 // November 2020 // April 2020 //
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