Greetings back in rainy, old New York. It’s hard to believe that only a couple of days ago I was sitting at a kitchen table enjoying fresh chaa [Bengali Tea], market-picked pomegranates and some fresh out of the oven, piping-hot singaras [Bengali Samosas, but better). While I wallow with home-sickness, I thought I would share some of my favorite views of this often-overlooked city. I will preface this with the fact that this will be an abridged photo-essay. I’ve toyed with the idea of a 48 hours in Kolkata or some standard guide— but I’m often daunted with the task of narrowing down specific sites and dishes. Kolkata is a vibrant city- full of a rich history, electric people and a pulse that is almost impossible to categorize. So while I continue to contemplate with an actual visitor’s map, here are some of my favorite images.
Kolkata, March 2014*

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